If you are in distress, you can call or text 988 at any time. If it is an emergency, call 9-1-1 or go to your local emergency department.


Opening Minds is a not-for-profit social enterprise that provides training and the tools to talk about mental health, change negative attitudes, and reduce stigma related to mental illness.

Opening Minds was established by the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) and is the largest systematic effort in Canadian history focused on eliminating stigma. 

The number of people in Canada trained in an Opening Minds course is over 1 million and that number is growing.

Our courses are available in person and virtually. They’re tailored for every industry, workplace, classroom, and organization, no matter the size. Explore the potential of what we offer.

  • Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) teaches you how to identify and help a person developing a mental health problem, experiencing a mental health crisis, or a worsening of their mental health. Like physical first aid, MHFA assistance is provided until professional support arrives.
  • The Working Mind (TWM) trains you to reduce stigma and promote mental health in the workplace, creating a more resilient and supportive culture among employees and leaders.
  • The Inquiring Mind (TIM) is designed to meet the needs of post-secondary and high school students and help them cope with the unique challenges and stressors found in an educational setting.
  • Psychological Health and Safety (PHS) is a proven framework designed to cultivate optimal mental well-being within your workplace. Your organization can cultivate a vibrant and engaged workforce, driving productivity and innovation while minimizing the impact of mental health challenges on your bottom line and brand reputation.

Opening Minds remains closely tied to the MHCC. Our programs are evidence-based, founded on research, and deliver proven outcomes.

Each branch of the MHCC shares the same goal: to have the greatest positive impact on the mental health and wellness of everyone in Canada.

Our Vision: A world where everyone supports and strives for good mental health, enabling people to live fulfilling lives.

Our Mission: To be the leader of evidence-based programs that promote mental wellness and resilience while eliminating stigma around the world.

Why is Opening Minds a social enterprise?

A social enterprise:

  • sells goods or services as a significant portion of its revenues
  • embeds social, cultural, or environmental purposes across its activities
  • reinvests the majority of its proceeds back into its mission, rather than as a dividend to owners or shareholders

As a social enterprise, Opening Minds can be nimble and adapt to changing mental health needs across Canada, ultimately having a greater impact on everyone’s well-being.

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